Lady Gaga Kitchen

Every maestro needs a stage and The Mogul feels that this one is set for a flamboyant entrance; a fusion of functional expressionism that satisfies artistic and musical tendencies!
The islands of this design can double up as functional podiums designed to invite extravagant gastronomic indulgence and becoming the perfect hedonistic preparation zone for the previous night’s meat dress!  Every client is different and their individual requirements are built upon personal tendencies and idiosyncrasies.  If Lady Gaga decided to tenderize her meat dress she may not require a mallet, instead she may choose to climb up onto the third island (the piano) to gyrate and grind the meat into a pliable submission!  This unique preference is why the kitchen designer has specified the piano!  Watch you don’t slip!
Music and fashion is art but so too is kitchen design and this kitchen does present an opportunity for Lady Gaga to add another string to her wonderfully outrageous bow!  There is potential for this artiste to get her “teeth” into kitchen art.
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Lady Gaga Kitchen
Lady Gaga Kitchen
Reviewed by pada mama
Published :
Rating : 4.5