I, Exclamation! - Can you see it?

This kitchen is smooth and sophisticated offering a subtle introduction to functional kitchen art.  The wall units defy convention and resist the temptation to embrace, instead they repel against each other as though a predetermined force field prohibits an interaction.   The un-natural voids between these units present the opportunity for the lighting box shelving to create an interesting ambient effect.  The combination of the lighting and the artistic position of the wall units give this design a moody edge!
The dominance of the thick set stainless steel bridging worktop is obvious, as the lower shelving unit knees beneath it in a weighted submission.  This low open shelf unit carries a great burden; and just as Heracles struggled to hold up the heavens this aspect of the design shoulders great responsibility allowing the kitchen to blend effortlessly into the living space.
The Mogul approves!
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I, Exclamation! - Can you see it?
I, Exclamation! - Can you see it?
Reviewed by pada mama
Published :
Rating : 4.5