Kitchen Void

Here we have some carefully designed living room furniture which is masquerading as a kitchen.  Only the sink, taps and scantily clad oven give away the identity of this furniture. 
The blurring of the boundaries between kitchen and living space is achieved by introducing low set cabinetry and the effect is amplified by raising the units off the floor.  The void between the lower cabinetry and the standard height worktop is a brilliant feature, misleading the eye and diluting the kitchen experience.  The void cleverly decreases the impact of the higher worktop allowing the viewer to focus on the lower units and subconsciously assume that because the worktop is lower and not ergonomically practical for food preparation the design is not a kitchen.
The Mogul loves that void...and the naked oven!!  Not sure about the open shelf unit which runs underneath the integrated lighting shelf! 
The Mogul loves that void!!
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Kitchen Void
Kitchen Void
Reviewed by pada mama
Published :
Rating : 4.5