Are you having a Mid-Life Crisis?

If you decide that you want a new kitchen you can be undertaking a journey of personal self discovery and unwittingly shouldering a social mantle, placing yourself before your piers to be judged and scrutinised.  So why not decide to encourage some whispers at the local women’s institute coffee morning buy revisiting your youth and indulging in a kitchen design that challenges expectation.
This kitchen is not a mid life crisis, it is an expression of the artist within you, the forward thinking design guru that you always knew you were and the person who will be admired for being different! 
Kitchen design is now a multi-layered discipline that has the ability to define not only the surrounding architecture but also the people who bring life to the space!

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Are you having a Mid-Life Crisis?
Are you having a Mid-Life Crisis?
Reviewed by pada mama
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Rating : 4.5