Efficiently executed gastronomic sortie

This kitchen presents itself as a futuristic culinary transformer, sitting dormant while awaiting engagement in the next efficiently executed gastronomic sortie. 

The extraction system looms ominously above the shape shifting island connected to the dominant housing in the background like an extended pod from a mother ship; involving itself in the cooking experience! 

There is something brilliantly menacing about this design that presents the viewer with an efficient and somewhat soulless vision of what kitchen design can be.  But this design is not a cold and heartless creature from science fiction; it is in-fact fantastically human! 

This design displays all of the traits now found within our society; it is efficient, organized, functional and ruthlessly cool!  We are the masters of our own creations and in many ways kitchen design is becoming an inward exploration of who we are!
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Efficiently executed gastronomic sortie
Efficiently executed gastronomic sortie
Reviewed by pada mama
Published :
Rating : 4.5