Hot knife through butter!

This kitchen is simple and very effective.  It is a classic, contemporary set-up with a tall bank of units creating an un-obtrusive but functional back drop to the design.   The island takes centre stage as the main preparation and cooking zone, creating a highly effective and efficient work space! 
Workflow distances are contained between the island and the bank of tall units - after all the Chief should never have to walk to the supermarket to prepare every meal!  Good designers consider kitchen zones, personal preferences and ergonomics to ensure that everything is just within reach, exactly when needed!
The introduction of a low level, informal table area introduces a subconscious element to this design; inviting social interaction and helping to define the space.  Allowing the table area to encroach onto the main body of the island allows the eye to be drawn to the contrast in colour, it also brings the social and working elements of this design closer together encouraging human eye contact and light hearted conversation.
The Mogul loves how the table cuts though the island like a hot knife through butter!  
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Hot knife through butter!
Hot knife through butter!
Reviewed by pada mama
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Rating : 4.5